Museum Membership
The Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) has created a new membership category for museums. The CAHS expressly designed the Museum Member option for three purposes:
- To attract museums to join with the CAHS in preserving and celebrating Canada's aviation history;
- To help cross-promote the profile of Canada's aviation museums and the CAHS through the organizations' membership and networks; and
- To foster an increasing sense of community and professionalism amongst aviation museums.
For the annual cost of $100, a Museum Member gains access to these exciting benefits:
- Baseline CAHS National membership rights: 1 copy of quarterly Journal; 1 vote at annual AGM; access to Members' Only section of website; space to create a Member's Page on website;
- Donation tax receipt for $50;
- Museum's name displayed in each monthly CAHS newsletter, linked to the Museum Member's web site;
- The ability to contribute news, information, and updates to a Museum Members column of the CAHS e-newsletter;
- The CAHS will work to schedule at least one museum related speaker at the annual convention;
- Invite Museum Members to schedule a Museum Members session in conjunction with the CAHS annual convention to discuss museum related issues;
- An invitation to place one pre-printed flyer in each of our quarterly CAHS Journal mailings for free (up to a $100 benefit);
- Museum Members would be offered special rates for selling the CAHS Journal in their gift shop:
• $4/Journal to buy stock for their gift shop for 1-5 copies per issue
• The CAHS would provide up to 5 more copies for free (copies 6-10)
• As of copy 11, museums would pay $4/issue again
• Up to a $80 benefit; - Be offered display space for free at our annual convention;
- In return, the CAHS requests that Museum Members would:
• Put a link to the CAHS website on their website
• Include CAHS info items in newsletters
• Permit CAHS membership brochures to be displayed
• Inform their members that the CAHS Journal seeks articles on aviation history.
This is a $230 value, available to Canadian aviation museums for only $100. We do hope that you see great value in becoming a member of the CAHS and that you will join in our quest to help preserve Canada's aviation history as we record, disseminate, and celebrate the tremendous accomplishments that have taken place in on Canadian soil and in Canadian skies.
To find out more or to sponsor the CAHS, please use this form or contact us directly.
CAHS Museum Membership Members
The CAHS thanks the following museums for their support:
Alberta Aviation Museum
Billy Bishop Home and Museum
Bomber Command Museum of Canada
British Columbia Aviation Museum
Calgary Mosquito Society
Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame
Canadian Historical Aircraft Association
The Canadian Museum of Flight
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
Comox Air Force Museum
Great War Flying Museum
The Hangar Flight Museum
Harvard Historical Aviation Society
Montreal Aviation Museum
National Air Force Museum of Canada
Secrets of Radar Museum
Shearwater Aviation Museum
The CAHS sincerely thanks you for your generosity! Donation tax receipts will be sent out after the end of the 2014 calendar year. Look for them beginning in February 2015; they will definitely arrive in time to be used for your 2014 income tax submissions.
Please consider including the CAHS as a beneficiary of your will. This lasting gift will form a part of your legacy, commemorating your connection to Canadian aviation and supporting future generations of historians, researchers, writers, and enthusiasts.
A planned donation is a simple and flexible way to combine charitable giving with sound financial planning. In the past we have received monetary gifts as well as gifts-in-kind such as:
- Books
- Photos
- Memorabilia
- Diaries, Log Books, Letters, Records
Some of these, with the permission of the family, can be used for fundraising purposes (such as an auction or book sale). Others can be placed with CAHS chapters that sponsor museum displays, the proper heritage organization, or with authors as research materials for articles and books.
For more information, please contact us. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss what you’d like your gift to accomplish and how it can support the important work of the CAHS.
As a not-for-profit organization, we rely on sponsors for many of our operational expenses as well as special projects. If you are interested in helping to preserve and celebrate Canada's aviation history we are always looking for help with:
• Expanding the size and quality of our quarterly Journal
• Funding prizes and awards for dedicated writers and researchers
• Funding programming for our annual convention
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To find out more or to sponsor the CAHS, please use this form or contact us directly. (And don’t forget: as a registered charitable foundation, we are able to issue tax receipts!) |
The CAHS would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous assistance: |
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The CAHS relies on individual donations to help accomplish its work of celebrating and preserving Canada’s aviation heritage. Membership fees simply don’t cover all our operational expenses and special projects.
Your financial donations are always welcome for
We would also be grateful for your in-kind donations for conventions, auctions, raffles, and other events. And don’t forget: We are a charitable organization and issue tax receipts. In 2009 we were able to support the following recipients
Make an online donation now using our secure, no-charge PayPal processing service (MasterCard, VISA, and PayPal account) or download and mail in the form below along with your donation. Download FormQuestions? Don’t hesitate to contact The CAHS Treasurer for more information on how your donations can support the CAHS’s important work. |