

2016 merch 575

CAHS Merchandise

In conjuction with this year's convention, the CAHS is continuing the merchandise sale concept, and the variety of items for sale are now available for purchase online at the CAHS Store.

We are excited to offer CAHS merchandise this year that features the logo created by our graphics manager, Terry Higgins, for the 2016 convention in Manitoba. It combines the distinctive CAHS logo, the date and location of this year's convention, and the Manitoba Chapter's signature aircraft, the Junkers Ju52/1m. Items that include this commemorative logo are polo shirts (in ten different colours), t-shirts (available in three colours), a mug, tote bag, and mouse pad. T-shirts are available in men's and women's sizes with a few exceptions. Baseball caps (four colour options) are also available with the traditional CAHS logo.

2017 calendarAdditionally, the CAHS has partnered again with our amazing Canadian aviation artists to produce a stunning full colour bilingual 2017 calendar. This year, the calendar will feature thirteen months of aviation paintings! These will make beautiful Father's Day, birthday, and even Christmas gifts, so stock up now! To learn more about the gifted artists involved, click here.

Orders picked up at the CAHS Convention in Winnipeg in June will be free of shipping charges. For those unable to attend the Convention, shipments will commence after the Convention. Payments can be made by cheque, credit card, or Paypal.


order now

The deadline to pre-order and pay has been extended to 13 May 2016.


To download the 2016 CAHS Convention merchandise order form, CLICK HERE.

Please email the completed order form to, or return by mail to:

Canadian Aviation Historical Society,
P.O. Box 2700, Station D,
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1P 5W7

CAHS Convention 2016

2016 convention

Join us in Winnipeg and Brandon for the 53rd Convention and Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society. The Manitoba Chapter is pleased to act as your host for an exciting week of tours, speakers, and films. We have arranged speakers covering a broad range of Canadian aviation history, from the First World War to Afghanistan, and from the first women in the air to modern air transport into the north. With fascinating topics, good food, and great friends, Winnipeg is where you want to be.

The tentative schedule is as follows:
Wednesday 1 June - Meet and Greet at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada, 7 pm to 10 pm;
Thursday 2 June - Tour of Southport Aerospace Centre in Portage la Prairie, and the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum in Brandon, 8:30 am to 9 pm;
Friday 3 June - speakers and annual general meeting, 9 am to 5 pm, free evening;
Saturday 4 June - speakers, 9 am to 4 pm, and awards banquet, 6 pm to 10 pm;
Sunday 5 June - Farewell breakfast, 9 am to noon.

Download the registration form here.

register online

The venue will be the Viscount Gort hotel. The Viscount Gort special room rate has expired. If you cannot get a booking at the Viscount Gort, we recommend the Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0G3. Call 1-877-842-4667 or 204 786-4801, and ask for the CAHS group rate, quoting code 705317. The rate is $120 per night plus taxes. The rate expires on 24 May.

We are seeking sponsorship for the convention. If you know of a company that might be willing to sponsor us, please let us know as soon as possible. For sponsorship information, please click here.

For more information, please contact the convention committee at

We hope to see you in Winnipeg, recently named as one of National Geographic Traveler's Best Trips of 2016! Don’t miss the new Canadian Museum of Human Rights and the Journey to Churchill exhibit at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, among many other attractions.

The convention is sponsored by:

Air Force Heritage Fund


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St Andrews Airport Authority


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Winnipeg Airports Authority


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Magellan Aerospace

Keewatin Air


northway aviation

Northway Aviation

Manitoba History Society


Manitoba Hydro

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Skycare Charters and Air Ambulance

Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada

Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum

Viscount Gort Hotel